Saturday, February 13, 2010

1. How deep is the deepest mine in the world?

The TauTona gold mine in South Africa, a mere 3.6 kilometers deep.

2. How deep would you have to dig to reach the mantle?

3.6 kilometers deep because its at the bottom of the TauTona gold mine.

3. Let's pretend that you and your friends tried to dig a hole in your backyard to find a shortcut to China. The thing is, you guys had special suits that could withstand extreme temperatures, so you would not die. If you were somehow able to reach the mantle, what would it look like? What kinds of things would you see? How about the outer core? Inner core? What would it look like as you approached the surface (the crust) on the other side?

  O wow well first the mantle would look like some hot red toothpaste moving around but some of it look like its frozen and silver but it was still extremly hot then when I reached the outer core it had looked like a small sun with flames jumping in and out of it but yet at the same times it kind of looked as if it was water don't know how that could be then with those suits we had on we jump threw the outer core and was going threw the inner core it looked liked a very dense basketball and it looked cold but it was so hot and dense that it took longer to get threw it so now were passed it and were on our way to China and the crust looked like somebody with cracked up skin and it was hard kind of but we could handle it so we bust threw it and there it was China town I even got a picture. Well I had to walk for about a week but I saw it SEE.

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